
About the Book

Teachable moments

What do you do when you have someone you just can’t forgive? How do you get through those days when you feel like you’ve been in a wrestling match; when you are fed up with yourself; when praying seems a waste of time? What can you do to cope with loneliness; depression; failure; jealousy and regrets?

Dr. Stephenson considers these to be Teachable Moments to embrace and from where growth can occur and he offers ways to equip the reader for these times. But always with a powerful story to illustrate how hope is able to be found in the midst of these and many other difficult times.


About the Book

Sunrises and Sunsets

Sunrises and Sunsets: A Daily Journey of Renewal, Redemption, and Rejoicing illustrates a different understanding of hope that will give confidence to the reader that hope is possible to have again. This award winning book intersperses in the daily devotions three stories of persons who were able to discover a hope that, in spite the challenges they were facing, gave them a new vision of meaning and purpose. My friend and colleague, Dr. Bill Stephenson, offers us a unique book that takes the reader on an intriguing journey of reflection and response. His intention is to guide us into a deep and honest conversation with ourselves. Frequently he addresses his “soul,” a voice within all of us, not easily heard, but often rewarding.


About the Book

A New Way To Hope

“Dr. Bill, can you teach me how to die?”

What is it about this stage in life that calls us to seek instruction? Can anyone teach someone how to die?

In this book, Dr. Stephenson suggests that death is not our greatest fear. In this COVID crisis, it is dying that is our greatest fear. “Will I suffer?” “Will I have to die alone?” “Who can I depend on?”

It is in this final stage of living that Dr. Stephenson was privileged to witness and assist hundreds of children, youth, and adults. This book is a testimony of those who, knowing they would soon die, chose to be open to seeking a new way to hope. A hope that would help them to embrace the mystery of living with purpose and meaning until they died.

“No, Sam, I can’t teach you how to die. But together, we can discover a hope that you can hang onto that will give you a richer life until you die.”

About the Book

The Mountain In You

Dramatic true stories as well as insightful free verse poetry that reflect the work and commitment of the author to his clients and their loved ones. Each story, each poem speaks to the spirit of hope and life that were key to the success in restoring wholeness in a most often fractured environment.

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